同济大学语言学与多模态符号学研究所是以跨学科、多模态等视角对语言交际与符号意义开展学术研究及人才培养的专门机构。同济大学依托语言学与多模态符号学研究所加盟中国符号学基地联盟。 研究所由我国著名多模态研究专家同济大学特聘教授张德禄、同济大学兼职教授顾曰国领衔,已在该领域获批国家社科项目、教育部人文社科项目、其他省部级或横向项目十余项,成果数量与质量位列中国大陆前列,形成了国内多模态研究的“同济品牌”。研究所的多模态研究特色鲜明,相关研究覆盖多模态话语分析、多模态语料库等不同路径,举办多届多模态专题会议、出版“多模态与特殊人群话语”系列丛书。 目前,研究所在多模态符号学、社会符号学、多模态视角下的老年语言学等领域积极开展科学研究、人才培养工作,力争将研究所建设成为在国内具有引领性的语言学与多模态研究高地。 The Tongji Institute of Linguistics and Multimodality (TILM) is one of the first independent institutions of its kind in China, and now it is a member of the China Semiotics Alliance led by the China Society of Language and Semiotics. Being interdisciplinary in nature, TILM finds itself on the frontier of numerous studies from around the world. TILM has made striking achievements in linguistic and multimodal studies, which have been widely published in their respective fields of study. In terms of both quantity and quality, the Institute’s achievements rank among the top in mainland China. The Institute is inter-disciplinary and problem-orientated, and its development has been distinctive. TILM has adopted dierent approaches, such as multimodal discourse analysis and multimodal corpus, and actively engages in research on gerontolinguistics and foreign language education from a multimodal perspective. TILM has organized numerous multimodal conferences and published a series of books entitled Multimodality and Special People Speech Studies Series. To build a linguistics and multimodal high ground in China, TILM will continue to lead and combine eorts with other quality academic organizations. 同济大学语言学与多模态符号学研究所宣传册.pdf